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Dr. Henry Cloud speaks at events ranging from large global conferences to small niche events, from Fortune 500 company summits to intimate, executive retreats. Regardless of event or organization, Dr. Cloud is consistently ranked as an audience favorite while leaving a lasting impact on all involved. The following hallmarks are what clients find most valuable about Dr. Cloud’s in-demand speaking style.


Dr. Cloud never gives the same talk or program twice. Stump speech isn’t part of our vocabulary. Dr. Cloud becomes highly involved with the organizational need or event theme and crafts a message that is customized and weaves seamlessly into the fabric and DNA of the event.

Dr. Cloud’s combination of hard-hitting content, integrating humor, sharing powerful stories, and communicating research leaves audiences wanting more and wishing the session was longer. A rare for conferences!

Dr. Cloud develops his content so that it is amazingly practical. Typically, audience members leave with more notes than space in their notebook and have practical next-steps to implement into their life and leadership the next day.

“That changed my life” is a phrase consistently heard at book signing lines and nothing excites us more than hearing stories of people whose life or leadership trajectory was influenced by Dr. Cloud’s message.

Although what follows are the most requested keynotes, Dr. Cloud will gladly consider crafting a talk around any theme that you may be seeking. Other commonly requested topics include mental health, accountability, anxiety, codependency, pain/grief, addiction, fear, trust, depression, dating/marriage, relationships, performance, leadership, and parenting. Additionally, every talk can be modified to work well for both faith and secular audiences.

Necessary Endings
Cutting your losses. Raising the white flag. Getting out while you can. Giving up. While endings are a natural part of life, we often experience them with a sense of sadness, hesitation, resignation, or regret. Psychologist and bestselling author Dr. Henry Cloud sees endings differently, though, and he asks a powerful question: How different would our personal and professional lives be if, rather than viewing these endings as failures, we saw them as necessary steps for creating the possibility of something better? In Necessary Endings, Dr. Cloud demonstrates that, when done well, 'necessary endings' allow us to stop pain, foster growth, reach personal and business goals, and live better lives. When done poorly though, good opportunities are lost, and misery either remains or is repeated. While we all face these kinds of endings daily, Dr. Cloud finds that most of us fall in the latter category and don't handle endings very well---and we need help. In Necessary Endings, Dr. Cloud gives you the tools you need to begin pruning the bad and the broken from your life so the good may begin growing again.

Based on the book that's helped more than 2 million people learn when to say yes and know how to say no in order to take control of their lives, Boundaries is one of Dr. Cloud’s most requested talks. Does your life feel like it's out of control? Perhaps you feel like you have to say yes to everyone's requests. Maybe you find yourself readily taking responsibility for others' feelings and problems. Or perhaps you focus so much on being loving and unselfish that you've forgotten your own limits and limitations. Or maybe it's all of the above. If that’s the case, this talk is going to help you answer these tough questions:
  • Can I set limits and still be a loving person?
  • What are legitimate boundaries?
  • How do I effectively manage my digital life so that it doesn't control me?
  • What if someone is upset or hurt by my boundaries?
  • How do I answer someone who wants my time, love, energy, or money?
  • Why do I feel guilty or afraid when I consider setting boundaries?
  • How do boundaries relate to mutual submission within marriage?
  • Aren't boundaries selfish?
Let Dr. Cloud help you learn when to say yes and know how to say no in order to take control of your life and set healthy, biblical boundaries with your spouse, children, friends, parents, co-workers, and even yourself.

Boundaries for Leaders
In Boundaries for Leaders, Dr. Henry Cloud gives leaders the tools and techniques they need to achieve the performance they desire - in their organizations and in themselves. Drawing on the latest findings from neuroscience, Dr. Cloud shows why it's critical for leaders to set the conditions that make people's brains perform at their highest levels. How do great leaders do this? One way is through the creation of "boundaries" - structures that determine what will exist and what will not.

Here you will learn seven leadership boundaries that set the stage, tone, and culture for a results-driven organization, including how to:
  • Help people focus their attention on the things that matter most
  • Build the emotional climate that drives brain functioning
  • Facilitate connections that boost energy and momentum
  • Create organizational thought patterns that limit negativity and helplessness
  • Identify paths for people to take control of the activities that drive results
  • Create high-performance teams organized around the behaviors that drive results
  • Lead yourself in a manner that protects the vision
Filled with inspiring and practical examples from Dr. Cloud's coaching practice, Boundaries for Leaders is essential for everyone who aspires to lead companies, teams, and cultures defined by high performance and healthy relationships.

The Power of the Other
Most leadership coaching focuses on helping leaders build their skills and knowledge and close performance gaps. These are necessary but not sufficient. Using evidence from neuroscience and his work with leaders, Dr. Henry Cloud shows that the best performers draw on another vital resource: personal and professional relationships that fuel growth and help them surpass current limits.

Combining engaging case studies, persuasive findings from cutting-edge brain research, and examples from his consulting practice, Dr. Cloud argues that whether you're a Navy SEAL or a corporate executive, outstanding performance depends on having the right kind of connections to fuel personal growth and minimize toxic associations and their effects. Presenting a dynamic model of the impact these different kinds of connections produce, Dr. Cloud shows audience members how to get more from themselves by drawing on the strength and expertise of others. You don't have a choice whether or not others have power in your life, but you can choose what kinds of relationships you want.

Integrity. It is more than simple honesty. It's the key to success. A person with integrity has the, often rare, ability to pull everything together, to make it all happen no matter how challenging the circumstances.

In Integrity, Dr. Cloud explores the six qualities of character that define integrity. He uses stories from well-known business leaders like Michael Dell and sports figures like Tiger Woods to illustrate each of these qualities. He shows us how people with integrity:
  • Are able to connect with others and build trust
  • Are oriented toward reality
  • Finish well
  • Embrace the negative
  • Are oriented toward increase
  • Have an understanding of the transcendent
Success is not related to only talent or brains. There are a lot of bright, talented people who are never successful. And the most successful are not only the ones with the most talent. The real factor, Cloud demonstrates, is the makeup of the person. All of us can grow in the kinds of real character that bring about fruitful relationships and achievement of purpose, mission, and goals. Integrity is not something that you either have or don't, but instead is an exciting growth path that all of us can engage in and enjoy.

Changes That Heal
Many of us struggle with anxiety, loneliness, and feelings of inadequacy. We know that God created us in his image, but how can we be loving when we feel burned out? How can we be free when we struggle with addiction? Will we ever enjoy the complete healing God promises?

Combining his professional expertise and personal experience, renowned psychologist Dr. Henry Cloud guides us through four basic ways to become joy-filled, mature followers of Christ:
  • Connect more deeply with others
  • Separate from others in healthy ways
  • Understand the good and the bad in ourselves and others
  • Grow into greater emotional and spiritual maturity
With fascinating case studies and helpful techniques, we can start using immediately, Changes That Heal reminds us that God promises to complete his good work in us.

Difficult Conversations
Successful people confront well. They know that setting healthy boundaries improves relationships and can solve important problems. They have discovered that uncomfortable situations can be avoided or resolved through direct conversation. But most of us don't know how to have difficult conversations, and we see confrontation as scary or adversarial. Building on the principles found in Boundaries, in this talk Dr. Cloud will:
  • Show how healthy confrontation can improve relationships
  • Present the essentials of a good boundary-setting conversation
  • Provide tips on preparing for the conversation
  • Show how to tell people what you want, stop bad behavior, and deal with counterattack
  • Give actual examples of conversations to have with your spouse, your date, your kids, your coworker, your parents, and more!

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Dr. Henry Cloud

Cloud Productions
PO Box 862
Allyn, WA 98524